Cliffside Cemetery

The sun pierced my eyes as I drove
A quick doubleback later I was there
Cliffside Cemetery

I was tired, the dogs were tired
It was cold
But every corner beckoned
Graves more than a century old
Their inhabitants even older
Citizens of a lost world

Oppositionally, shiny new columbariums
Lives receiving their final punctuation, so near
The world had not even finished a trip around the sun
Some had plastic dinosaurs

All among, over, under, there was life yet
Mushrooms, moss, brass buttons
Flowers left behind with heavy hearts and heavy eyes
Frozen dew crunched underfoot
Time to go home​

Being still does not mean don't move. It means move in peace.

E'yen A. Gardner

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cricket

    “ citizens of a lost world” Oh, that haunts..

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